Saturday, July 9, 2016

Touring the Place

Today we headed off around 9 to go to the city of Nashville. We made a quick stop at Vanderbilt to take a quick group photo, and we had a little fun there.

We went to take a tour because, I don't know about you, but going around blindly isn't the way I explore a city. I saw lots of pedal avers and it was bustling loud. I can't believe I FORGOT MY CAMERA!!! Anyways, we got tickets for the 12:30 double decker buses so we headed to a boot place because the girls wanted to. Not without its moments of funny when Jae-An gets into a dress, but it was all in good humor.

Cool photo
We headed back and got on the tour after what I think was a really cool photo. Our tour guide was pretty funny and definitely blunt. She told us what was good and stories along the way. For example, she tols us about a chicken place that serves the hottest chicken, its like kissing the devil, so a couple (husband and wife) and her brother, all at a bigger age, are walking around the place. A customer from the chicken place tells them to not go in there because its like kissing the devil. The brother tells them not to worry because we have an expert here that has been kissing the devil for years as he points to his sister. There is even a Batman building because of its form.

Tour in the HEAT
I have angel wings :P
After the tour we headed to eat because we were hungry. We stopped to get ramen which was amazing, but unfortunately no photos because we were all so hungry that we ate and forgot to. T_T We headed back to where we popped out of the tour(you could hop on/off at any time with the ticket) to take a picture with about 13 foot long, drawn angels wings that looks so pretty.

We came back to the hotel and went to the pool for about two and a half hours and then out to eat Indian food.

Now I cant wait to move into Vanderbilt tomorrow.

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