Friday, July 15, 2016

The Circuit of Life Part 2

And.....the soldering continued today. Shelby and I continued making our line-tracking mouse today,
Soldering wires onto the circuit board
along with the rest of our class. When we finished the wiring, only one of our motors worked. Apparently, while soldering wires onto the circuit board, our solder accidentally spread across where it was supposed to, and ended up allowing a connection between a resistor and an LED. This caused a short circuit, and so we had to try to remove the solder in between, and then solder the wires back on. This was a lot harder than it sounded, and somehow, just when we thought we fixed everything and wired everything up, BOTH the motors stopped working. Our TA Arman checked to see what was going on, and we found out that some of the resistors weren't working at all.

However, it was time for lunch and so we had to leave, and accept defeat sadly. When we came back, we had to modify whichever toy we wished in the same pairs. Shelby and I decided to modify a small remote control car by removing buttons from the remote control, and put in a joystick instead. There were four sensors on the remote's circuit board to control the car, and so we had to connect the sensors to the four joystick controls with wires. This was soo hard to solder on because one small movement could lead to a short circuit, or
Before the wires are connected to the joystick
burning up the entire board. Sadly, our car was going crazy, and we will try to fix it tomorrow in class.

After those sad occurrences, I had my final arete class. We did Bollywood today, and learned a dance on Jai Ho. Although I was very happy to learn that people appreciate my culture, I found the dance a little stereotypical. However, this is most likely only because I constantly try to show and teach others something besides the stereotypical Bollywood when I'm back at home. 

Proctor group going to the dance
After dinner was the dance! We all danced and sang until our legs gave away, and had sore throats. Not only that, your honorary ILC cohort started a trend and a huge dance circle of people holding hands, and dancing like crazy. I don't know how it happened, but it did, and it went from a group of about 6 to 25+. After we all came back tired, and had a quick meeting about Saturday, we all crashed to sleep.
Here's a dark selfie of me and Sarah at the dance


  1. I am so happy to know about your
    Confidence , don't give up
    That important part of life.
    Good job
    Bollywood dance there, on famous Jai
    That's great . When you come back
    You can teach your students

  2. We are so Happy to c u that u r doing things...Keep it up...

    There are many things in life that will catch your eye...but only a few that will catch your heart. Pursue them.

  3. Great...Keep going....
    Always remember "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others "...So Maintain forever

  4. You guys are doing electronics stuff in sophomore@high-school that we didn't do until sophomore@college. Rockin! Way to go!!
    I also liked that after all, you aren't forgetting to enjoy - by dancing, singing. This is the part which makes life more meaningful.
    May you achieve new heights in all your aspirations - computer engineering, dancing, singing, and writing blogs :-).
    Keep writing. I am a fan.

  5. I am very happy to see that you are learning about electronics circuits. Now we will have something common to talk about. We are really proud of you. Keep it up.
