Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Productive Morning

Today was a Saturday, and in honor of the weekends, I ended up sleeping in until noon…I wish. Instead, I woke up at a back-breaking 6:40 to arrive in time to De Anza High School, where today’s ILC blog tutorial was taking place.

Relearning how to take photos can be perplexing.
By the time I arrived at the high school computer lab, most of the best seats were taken, so I settled for a spot off to the side, behind my fellow Vanderbilt cohort-mate Jahnvi and Ernestina, who will be going to the University of Chicago this summer. Before Don (today clad in his usual aloha shirt and sandals) began the tutorial, we worked a little bit on creating and updating our blogger profiles while talking to each other.

The tutorial itself seemed to last an eternity – since I had already gone through the process before, everything was already very familiar. But you can never be too sure when it comes to formatting on Blogspot, so I paid close attention. After numerous technical problems involving user profiles, logging in, and faulty computers, we finally got through the tutorial.

Today's session really reminded me how close and real this opportunity is, and I truly cannot wait for the day when we depart.

If this were on fire, would you call it a firewall?

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