Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Things Don't Always Go as Planned

So most, if not all, of the ICLers and parents got to the orientation meeting on June 6th like Don wanted, except for the staff of Pinole Middle school. Don had been trying to get in for about an hour and was pipping red and mad that things did not go as he planned. We tried helping Don out and we, the ILCers helped him get his stuff out of the van and into the gym where our meeting was going to be held. Not fun to see Don as angry as he was.

Mentors Introducing Themselves
Don greeted us and explained what was going to happen throughout the meeting through his red face. The mentors introduced themselves to the parents and we got started by breaking off into groups to explain when we were leaving and what placed we would visit. We are going to visit Emery in Georgia and hopefully a few other stops along the way.
Vanderbilt Group Talking About Trip

We came back together and Don took over to explain to the parents, what kind of things we, the ILCers, should take. Don gave the speech them the speech he gave us and he went over loaner items we could borrow from him. The ILCers almost all gave Don a form to show what we needed. We were released and I was happy that my cohort and I stuck around to have a little fun and take pictures together.

Vanderbilt Cohort After the Orientation

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